Seeko’o Hotel by Atelier King Kong Architects; photo by Arthur Pequin.

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Bulgaristan’da bir başyapıt banyo
Corian® Carrara Cream’in kusursuz zarafetini sergiliyor
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Medicana Ataköy Hastanesi, İstanbul
Yüksek Teknoloji, lüks ve hijyen, Corian® Solid Surface ile tıbbi bakım hizmetlerinde kazanan oluşum
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Konya, Türkiye: Corian® Solid Surface ile başarılı ve ilgi çekici bir restorasyon; Bağışlayan Cami
Türkiye’nin tarihi kenti Konya’nın kutsal yerlerinden biri olan Bağışlayan Cami’nin 1975 yılındaki inşasından sonra, geçtiğimiz günlerde ilk kapsamlı tadilatı gerçekleştirildi. Caminin iç ve dış cephelerindeki geniş yüzeylerde, üstün performans özelliğine sahip Corian® Solid Surface, ahşap ile kombinlenerek İslami mimarinin tipik birleşik, dekoratif motiflerini oluşturmada kullanıldı.
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OVO Wroclaw Centre: Şehir mimarisinde bir dönüm noktası - Gottesman-Szmelcman Architecture tarafından Corian® ile üretildi!
Ocak 2017 – Ultra modern OVO Wroclaw kompleksi, Polonya’nın beşinci en büyük şehri olan Wroclaw’da 50.000 metrekarelik bir alandan oluşuyor. Gottesman-Szmelcman Architecture tarafından tasarlanan ve yönetici mimarları JSK Architekci olan bu tarz sahibi proje, tarihi pazar meydanının yakınında yer alıyor ve beyaz renkte Corian® yüksek teknoloji yüzeyinden üretilmiş ilham verici yuvarlak bir cepheye sahip.
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Angie Fowler Cancer institute : Genç kanser hastaları için Corian® tarafından desteklenen “ışık ve şifa yolculuğu”
Hastane ortamını kişisel ve sıcak bir yer haline getirmeyi amaçlayan The Angie Fowler Genç ve Genç Yetişkin Kanser Enstitüsü, hastalar ve aileleri için özenle düşünülmüş bir tasarıma imza attı. Corian® yüksek teknoloji yüzey malzemesi kullanılarak hayata geçirilen bu sıra dışı hastane alanı, bir “ışık ve şifa yolculuğu” olacak şekilde tasarlandı.
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The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian® [English Only]
Microsoft. The name says it all. For the company’s new German headquarters in the north of Munich, enormous panels in Corian® design surface resemble gigantic windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
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Sofitel Casablanca Tour Blanche, Corian® ileri teknoloji şıklığı ile donandı
Otelin anıtsal dış cephesinin arkasındaki iç tasarımı, etkileyici bir aydınlatma ve ultra modern dokunuşları birleştiren, egzotik ve sıcak anıları hatırlatan bir ortam sunuyor. Lüks otelin şanslı konuklarını karşılamak için, ısıyla şekillendirilen Corian® ile üretilmiş bir resepsiyon masası bulunuyor.
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Corian®’ın Üstün Tasarım Esnekliği Gümüşsuyu Opera Residence Projesinde Hayat Buldu
Sınırsız tasarım esnekliğine sahip Corian® ileri teknoloji yüzey malzemeleri, İstanbul Gümüşsuyu’nda yer alan Opera Residence Projesi’nde arzu edilen tasarımı tüm yönleriyle gerçekleştirebilmek için tercih edildi.
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Breda’da dış kaplaması Corian® olan muhteşem bina projesi
Proje geliştirici HEJA; emlakçı ve tesis sahibi Laurentius ile (Breda, Hollanda), Van de Ven Bouw en Ontwikkeling (Tilburg, Hollanda) tarafından inşa edilen ve Marius van den Wildenberg mimarlık bürosu tarafından tasarlanan Stack projesini gerçekleştirdi.
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BK tasarım stüdyosu Fuse, Barcelona’daki Hard Rock Cafe’yi yeniden dekore etmek ve yeniden açmak için Corian® ileri teknoloji yüzeyi seçti
Yenileme amaçlı ileri çözümler arasında, Corian® ileri teknoloji yüzeyi, Barcelona’daki yenilenen mekânda bulunan birçok servis tezgâhı üzerinde dikkat çekici bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır
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Mücevher kutusunun içini andıran bir mücevher mağazası
Corian®, duvar kaplamalarında sıra dışı çentikli efektler oluşturmak için kullanıldı.
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Dansk Industri genel merkezi radikal bir görünüme kavuştu
Yapay gün ışığı ve ses emiciler
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Corian® ile donatılmış yüzen “CityApps”
Üçüncü Dünyanın gecekondu mahallelerinde eğitim sunma konusunda müthiş bir ihtiyaç söz konusu. Yüzen Şehir Uygulamaları (Floating CityApps ) Vakfı bunun için devrim niteliğinde bir konsept geliştirmiş: Belirlenen konuma sabitlenebilen ancak isteğe göre kolayca taşınabilen ‘yüzen’ veya mobil üniteler.
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Waterstudio.NL mimarlık tarafından yapılmış Hollanda’da bulunan New Water Villa Projesi
Hollanda’nın Westland belediye sınırının kıyı şeridinde bulunan villa tasarımında kullanılan Cameo White rengindeki DuPont™Corian® dış cephe kaplamasıyla tasarımda zamansız bir zarafet yakalanmış oldu.
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Hem şık görünüme sahip hem de sağlık hizmetlerinde fayda sunan 500 adet Corian® mobilya
Yakın zamanda İspanya’nın Asturias Prensliği’nin Mieres şehrinde açılan Vital Álvarez-Buylla kamu hastanesi önemli teknik ve sağlık avantajları sunan yenilikçi ve fonksiyonel bir tasarıma sahip. Tasarım, yeni hastanede en çok fayda sağlayacakları alanlarda bulunacak olan 500 adet mobilyayı içeriyor.
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Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London [English Only]
Taking the place of a run-down office building in the heart of the City of London, the striking new “Motel One” building by “Mackay + Partners” features ground-breaking use of Corian® high-tech surface as an illuminated façade.
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Trampolines Suites Hotel için yeni bir kimlik ve yeni bir yaşam
Corian® ile yapılmış mafsallı bir dış cephe ile işlevsel, teknolojik ve estetik devrim
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Corian® shapes the new futuristic and technological headquarters of Irizar Group [English Only]
Nothing better and more suitable than the Corian® material to shape the new headquarters of a company based on two fundamental premises: forward-thinking and technological traits and their eyes set firmly on the future.
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Studio Fluid combines creativity to the performance of Corian® to create a ultra-modern clinic [English Only]
A unique specialist facility, the Dr Dragić Center for Contemporary Laser Vein Therapy in Novi Sad, Serbia, features an enigmatic, ultra-modern design that combines Corian® advanced surfacing material with LED lighting.
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A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials [English Only]
Specified for a building which claims to produce more energy than it consumes, 2200 m² of Corian® and Tyvek® were installed to enhance the thermal efficiency of the structure and contribute significantly to this objective.
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Corian®, AL_A Mimarlık tarafından tasarlanan Londra Soho’daki restoran projesi tincan’i destekliyor
AL_A Mimarlık, Londra Soho’da bir restoran projesi olan tincan’i ziyaretçilere açtı. Corian® tarafından desteklenen tincan, dünyanın en iyi konserve deniz ürünlerini sunuyor.
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An iconic façade in Madrid [English Only]
The project includes both a renovation of the building’s exterior façade, from the ground floor to the roof top, and a redesign of the building’s interior where new cladding materials have been applied.
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Innovative Architectural Design at Institute of Modern Art [English Only]
Art for Art’s Sake: Corian® solid surface forms a sculptural display at MIMA
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Architectural Lighting Design [English Only]
American Standard International relies on Corian® solid surface for its versatility and durability as well as for its beauty and architectural lighting design possibilities.
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The Aquatics Centre Wall cladding in Deep Nocturne [English Only]
The ‘legacy-mode’ refurbishment of the London Aquatics Centre following the games of 2012 is now complete and this extraordinary structure by Zaha Hadid Architects has opened to great acclaim for the public to enjoy
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The Iconic Art Deco Midland Hotel
Corian® solid surface helps to bring the iconic Art Deco Midland Hotel back to life
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Steelcase Concept Showroom
Steelcase used Corian® solid surfaces to design a concept meeting space –offering an innovative architectural design solution.
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Modula Headquarters in Italy [English Only]
Technical solutions for architecture: innovative sun screen cladding with Corian® solid surface
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The Neues Museum, Berlin
Corian® solid surface stages the exhibits at The Neues Museum, Berlin.
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A New Visionary Kitchen Design: Origami Island [English Only]
Like shapes created by the Oriental art of folding paper, the "Origami Island" kitchen, reveals a complex kitchen design with Corian® solid surface.
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Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design [English Only]
Creative architectural design, imagination from children and high-tech exterior cladding materials combine to create a children’s playground pavilion.
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The Disco Table – A Unique Home Furnishing
Corian® solid surface gives a luxurious feel and appearance in the fabrication of the Disco Table home furnishing.
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Translucent Walls at Elie Tahari [English Only]
Corian® Translucent Walls at the Elie Tahari Boutique.
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Edward Hospital Operating Room Design
Operating room design at Edward Hospital featuring Corian® solid surface provides a sterile environment that is easy to maintain.
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London 2012 Olympic Headquarters
Powerdesk UK selects Corian® solid surface to create a winning first impression for the London 2012 Olympic headquarters through furniture design.
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Swedish Label Acne-Store
Multi-functional, organically formed counters made of Corian® solid surface accentuate the luxury Swedish jeans-label Acne-Store in Berlin.
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Surgery Clinic in Taiwan [English Only]
Corian® solid surface is a low-maintenance material making it ideal for use in healthcare design as showcased in surgery clinic in Taiwan.
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Victoria and Albert Museum
Corian® solid surface adds an aesthetic value to the interior design of the Architectural Gallery in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
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Börlind City Spa
Corian® solid surface plays a central role in Börlind City Spa, offering flexibility and infinite possibilities for Börlind’s display designs.
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The Bronx Museum of the Arts [English Only]
Lobby-For-The-Time-Being at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, a large scale installation made with Corian®.
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Brørup Sparekasse Changes Skin [English Only]
Brørup Sparekasse Bank adopts a new dynamic look for a new dynamic life with a creative Corian® solid surface exterior design.
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Children’s Playground Outdoor Design [English Only]
Germany’s National Garden Show invited children to explore the outdoor design of the playgrounds and become educated about the resource of water.
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Historic Caviar House & Prunier Shop
Corian® solid surface is prominently featured at the Caviar House restaurant, for exterior façade and interior design and furnishings.
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Chantal Thomass’ Flagstore in Paris [English Only]
Corian® solid surface interior wall cladding was used as elegant interior design features at the Chantal Thomass’ flagstore in Paris.
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Interactive Table Tops at Inamo
Interior design featuring Corian® solid surface in the interactive table tops at Inamo, an exciting new concept in dining in London.
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ICFF: Contemporary Furniture Fair [English Only]
Designers choose Corian® solid surface because it’s durable and has an intrinsic tactility to demonstrate quality and vision in their designs.
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Issey Miyake Flagstore
Corian® solid surface was selected for the interior design of the new Issey Miyake showroom located in Paris.
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JACOB & Co. Retail Store Design [English Only]
For a unique, new store experience JACOB & Co. chose Corian® solid surface for its functionality and design as a versatile surfacing material.
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Museum Displays at TDK Hall in Milan
Museum displays made with Corian® solid surface are featured at TDK Hall, Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science & Technology in Milan.
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The Lion’s Den Interactive Playroom
The Lion’s Den at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute is an interactive playroom for children developed through the Companions in Courage Foundation.
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MALIN+GOETZ Store Entryway
Modern entryway at MALIN+GOETZ features Corian® in practical retail store interior design elements that withstands daily traffic and sunlight.
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Manolo Blahnik in Moscow
Modern interior design of Manolo Blahnik, Moscow features Corian® solid surface because of the material’s translucency and durability.
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The European Investment Bank [English Only]
Large-scale display designs of modern art made with Corian® solid surface are featured in the European Investment Bank building in Luxembourg.
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Atelier in Udine’s Historic Centre [English Only]
An impressive atelier in Udine’s Historic Centre features innovative architectural design and unique material applications.
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Haru Sushi Bar [English Only]
A restaurant with standout interest and appeal used Corian® durable surfaces for its fashionable look and durability.
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Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design [English Only]
Architectural design of Palais des Congrès of the Hôtel Ivoire, is the largest external cladding project ever made with Corian® solid surface.
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Displays at Pink Fashion Store
Corian® solid surface in Strawberry Ice is a key design element at the Pink fashion store in Klagenfurt, Austria.
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Platinum Casino [English Only]
Platinum Casino in Romania features an interior design embellished with the beauty of Corian® solid surface and unique lighting applications.
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Low-maintenance Countertops
Low maintenance countertops at Popeye’s Restaurants, utilising Corian® solid surface, are ideal for food service preparation.
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Première Vision [English Only]
“Première Vision” designers exploit the durability, aesthetical and functional properties of Corian® solid surface.
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Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
Corian® exterior cladding is used for a private residential project in Lisbon giving the exterior a starring role in the architectural design.
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Private Villa Architectural Design
Innovative, versatile and durable Corian® solid surface was used for the exterior cladding of a new luxury, private villa in Zagreb, Croatia.
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Rendez-Vous Toyota in Paris
Modern architectural design features Corian® solid surface to create a dynamic and inviting space for customers and employees Toyota in Paris.
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Roche Bobois Furniture Design [English Only]
The new furniture line from Roche Bobois, utilizes Corian® solid surface to create innovative and minimalistic furniture designs.
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University of Naples Subway Station [English Only]
The University of Naples subway station uses Corian® solid surface to create modern public transportation in a historic city with avant-garde designs.
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Vodafone Stores Retail Design
Corian® solid surface is featured in the retail design and display counters at Vodafone stores & kiosks in Turkey.
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Piquadro Flagship Store Decorative Wall Cladding [English Only]
Piquadro, leading company in the production of professional and travel leather wear, opens its first boutique in Paris entirely clad in Corian®.
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The new HQ in London by Ranne Creative Interiors features office wall cladding in Corian® high-tech surfaces.
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Kiev’de FRESH&GO “eco bar”: Hoş ve zarif bir iç tasarım deneyimi
Yüksek teknoloji ürünü Corian® yüzeyleri “eko tasarım” alanına giriyor: Kiev’de geçtiğimiz günlerde açılan FRESH&GO zincirinin ilk eko-barı, mobilya çözümlerinin yüzeyleri için temel malzeme olarak Corian®’ı kullanıyor. Bu tasarım konseptinin yazarı ise, Ukraynalı tasarımcı Yaroslav Galant
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Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
Corian® has been used in their new facades providing luminosity and freshness to the building. In the renovation the resistance and durability of the techno-surface have played an important role as it will have to endure the “mascletás”.
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Musée d’Orsay’s bookshop and gift shop re-designed in Corian® [English Only]
The Musée d’Orsay’s bookshop and gift shop have been given a complete overhaul by the architect and designer Nicolas Adam, who has re-evaluated the use of space and the interior design with a focus on purity and simplicity.
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Recently renovated Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The recently renovated Rijksmuseum is one of the main attractions in Amsterdam. But anyone who comes to admire its art will surely also be captivated by the applied art created with Corian®.
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Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
Innovative cladding facade in Corian®.
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USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
The structure benefits from the installation of DuPont™ Tyvek® UV Façade created specifically to allow greater design freedom, reliable protection and enhanced energy performance for open-jointed facades.
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FrieslandCampina’s new Innovation Centre, Netherlands, by Fokkema & Partners
This state of the art complex brings together various laboratories, a "Technohal", and several different research disciplines. The furnishing of the laboratory was done using Corian®.
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Shopping centre in Rennes, France, by Saguez and Partners [English Only]
Recently renovated, Place de la Fontaine, the central point of the shopping centre in Rennes, France is in a large dip 15 metres long and 11 metres wide. Constructed of Corian® it is completely curved with no single axis point.
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Corian®, yenilikçi "Pop-up City Lounge" projesine yüksek teknoloji mobilyalar sağlamak için Heineken® ile iş birliği yaptı
Tasarım dünyasındaki lider ürün markası Corian®, yenilikçi “Pop-up, City Lounge" projesine malzeme çözümleri sunmak için Heineken® ile iş birliği yaptı. Bu yenilikçi tasarım konsepti, 2014 Londra Tasarım Festivali’nde, dünya çapındaki turun ilk mekanında sahneye çıktı.
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Corian® strikes the right note at Manchester City FC’s Mancunian Lounge
The Mancunian Lounge at Manchester City Football Club Etihad Stadium features a circular bar top made from Corian® high-tech surface.
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Corian® in Yacht Building [English Only]
Corian® in Yacht Building
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Holiday Inn in Vilnius [English Only]
The Holiday Inn in Vilnius renews itself offering an hi-tech stay and extreme comfort thanks to the modern elegance of Corian®.
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New offices in Athens: Ernst & Young with modern design and Corian® [English Only]
A captivating reception desk made with the high-tech surface material Corian®.
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Yes! hairdressing salons with Corian® Charging Surface
Yes! hairdressing salons offer the ultimate invisible recharging solution with Corian® Charging Surface.
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Bathing Beauty: An emblematic beach hut reinvented with Corian® [English Only]
Mablethorpe’s iconic “Jabba” beach hut, one of series of distinctive architectural designs to revitalise the Lincolnshire coastline, has been recreated by maximising the robust, malleable and seamless qualities of Corian®.
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Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of Corian® External Cladding [English Only]
The foodmarket of the southern German town Backnang is characterized by a modern residential and commercial building with a highly visible, ventilated cladding made of Corian®.
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Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
Apartment building "Sunny Corner" in Knokke, Belgium with its façade and cornice work in Glacier White.
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Favero Health Projects, Pisa Üniversitesi Hastanesi’nin Ameliyathanesi için Corian®’ı seçti
Pisa Üniversitesi Hastanesi’nin (Cisanello) hemodinamik bölümü, ameliyathanelerindeki teknik donanım için Corian® teknolojik yüzeyinin özelliklerinden yararlandı.
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New tickethall in St Pancras Station for the Eurostar [English Only]
Approximately 47 square meters of Glacier White Corian® was used throughout the project in both the Standard Premier & Business Premier sections.
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Art, poetry and local storytelling at a new NHS hospital in Glasgow [English Only]
Healthcare with heart: Corian® enables art, poetry and local storytelling to create "landmarks" at a new NHS hospital in Glasgow
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Scott’s Seafood Restaurant in London
Dimensional design featuring Corian® solid surface makes a big splash at Scott’s Seafood Restaurant in London.
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Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design [English Only]
Corian® solid surface exterior cladding façade at the Seeko’o Hotel in Bordeaux, France is a world-first in architectural design technology.
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SOCAR Gasoline Stations
Corian® solid surface combines aesthetics with high performance for SOCAR gasoline stations in Azerbaijan.
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Retail Store Design Ideas: Sony [English Only]
The Sony Store used Corian® solid surfaces to innovate retail store design ideas that create a modern and inviting experience.
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Sphere Light Sculpture
Corian® solid surface was used for the Sphere light sculpture at the Glastonbury Music Festival in the U.K., for its unique properties.
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The “Woven Car”
A junk car was transformed into a piece of art: the "Woven Car" made with Corian® solid surface includes some recycled content.
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TAO Esterno yeni açık hava mutfağı konseptini sunar
Corian® Glacier White ile imal edilmiş tezgah ile minimalist bir tasarıma sahip Zerodieci Evo koleksiyonunun mutfak çözümü, Corian® ile üretilmiş çeşitli açık hava mobilyalarından oluşmakta olup, know-how ve kimlik tarzlarının ideal bir sentezi.
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DuPont Building Innovations joins the Power Matters Alliance
DuPont is proud to join the Power Matters Alliance to work on bringing this wish into a reality by integrating wireless charging technology into Corian® surfaces.
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Şık ve başarılı Villa ProCtrl iPad® tutucu
Tanınmış tasarım ofisi Villa ProCtrl, tıpkı iPad gibi çok yönlü ve kendini sürekli geliştiren bir malzeme olan Corian® ileri teknoloji yüzeyini kullanan bir iPad® tutucusu geliştirdi.
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Barcelona Üniversitesi Bellvitge Kampüsü: Corian®’ın Koruduğu Akdeniz Güneşi ve Aydınlık Sınıflar
İspanya Bellvitge’deki Barcelona Üniversitesi (UB) Sağlık Bilimleri Kampüsü’nde yer alan sağlık çalışanları, eğitim alanındaki araştırma ve çalışmalarına prestijli mimarlık şirketi Pinearq tarafından tasarlanan örgü çitler sayesinde konforlu bir şekilde devam ediyor. Örgü kafesler, mekanda Akdeniz güneşine karşı koruma sağlarken, ışığın cephe tasarımından ve Corian® ileri teknoloji yüzeyinden geçmesine izin veriyor.
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Bakü Azerbaycan’da bulunan Palitra Residence’ın dış cephesinde Corian® yüzeyin yenilikçi duruşu, zarafeti ve işlevselliği dikkat çekiyor
Renk olarak DuPont™Corian® Glacier White kullanılan projede, 752 plaka hem kolonlarda hem de balkonların cephe ve tavan kaplaması olarak uygulanmış.
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Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel: Corian® ile yaz mevsimi ve yaz yaşamı
From the main façade to the club’s cocktails bars all through to the pool’s décor, Corian® dresses up the hotel’s days and nights.
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Tasarımda renklerle, ışıkla ve yaratıcılıkla oynamak: Mimar Libor Fránek’in Prag Havaalanı’nda imza attığı bir Corian® projesi
Prag’daki Václav Havel Havaalanı’nın 1 No’lu Terminali, geçtiğimiz yıl yolcuların konforunu artırmak için yenilenen bir alanın açılışını yaptı. Yenileme için ağırlıklı olarak mükemmel tasarım ve işlevsellik özellikleri nedeniyle, havaalanı gibi yoğun ortamlardaki başarısını yıllardır tüm dünyada kanıtlamış bir ürün olan Corian®’dan yararlanılmış.
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Yeni Morocco Mall, Corian®’ın sınırsız potansiyelini gösteriyor
Toplam 70.000 metrekarelik alanı ile Morocco Mall, eğlence ve alışverişin zirve noktası.
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